With schools projected to fully reopen next fall semester, ensure that your child is meeting or exceeding grade-level standards with Keystone Education's summer programs! The learning challenges that the pandemic introduced this year makes it especially important for students to prepare for their next school year. Keystone Education can help!
For our Summer 2021 semester, we are also introducing Honors Preview courses for Biology, English, and World History. These preview courses are designed to prepare rising 9th/10th grades with their upcoming honor courses (non-honor students are accepted as well). Our Honors Preview courses focus on the core concepts and essential terminology that lay the foundation for future success in their high school classes.
Please note that we will be continuing with online classes for this summer semester. Feedback from our customers have indicated that local parents are still not comfortable with returning to in-seat classes. We are planning to return to in-seat classes for Fall 2021 and will provide updates as the situation develops.
Where to find our schedules:
Our schedules can be found on our website. Just click the "View Class Schedules" button located on the top-right of our website menu (shown below) to find them!

Thank you and be safe!
-The Keystone Team